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5700 E. Belknap, Haltom City, TX 76117

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Our Office in Texas

5700 E. Belknap, Haltom City, TX 76117

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Looking for a quality and affordable builder for your next project?

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We are happy to meet you during our working hours. Please make an appointment.

What’s Better? Carports or Garages?

By usaeagle In Uncategorized

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***Attention:  Architects, Civil and Apartment Planners, GC’s, and Apartment Owners***

Today, we go toe-to-toe with why carports are a better option than standard garages. While both are a better solution than leaving your vehicle exposed to the elements, there are some underlying reasons why a carport can save you time, money and be the more comfortable choice.

Let us begin with the element of time. Though time is an imaginary standard we follow day-to-day, it controls almost every moment of our lives. It is understandable why we would want to save our precious time. A carport is a relatively quick process, unlike the daunting task of building several garages, which can sometimes take up to 6 weeks or longer!  USA Eagle can provide a turnkey price to install and provide a quick turnaround.

Money is another item precious and often lacking in our daily lives. Carports are more cost effective because the amount for materials and build time is significantly less. Think about it. A garage requires four walls. With cost recapture in a short few years, carports can begin returning capital to your community sooner than garages.

City codes and regulations can be much more strict, requiring fire inspections, electricity and code permits. While you may need a building permit and final inspection for a carport, the standards are significantly different than for a garage.

A carport’s design allows for a breeze on a summer day, but also provides protection from damage hail and sunlight.  Also, with no element of surprise, as you can see everything around you.

Carports…maybe there isn’t an alarm, but the worry is not so much inside the garage sometimes as what may be lurking behind it. With a carport, you have full line of sight.

Finally, upkeep on a carport is likely less than for a garage as the building materials are made with strong steel and buried deep in the ground. Again, less materials, less to buy later.

We hope this message helps you decide on a more economical and efficient decision when building your parking improvements.  Already have a large multi-story parking garage planned for your community???  Call USA Eagle Carports about adding carports to topside level; your hardworking tenants will thank you when the garage is full in the hot summers!

As always, our friendly USA Eagle Carports representatives are ready to answer any questions.  Have your complex manager call or email us today!