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5700 E. Belknap, Haltom City, TX 76117

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Anti-Frost Carports

By usaeagle In Uncategorized

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Did you know your car will not frost up in the morning if it is under a carport? True Story!

This Blub from The Naked Scientists (Don’t Judge) talks all about it!

“To understand this, you’ve got to understand first of all, what is frost and how is it happening? Basically what happens is, at night especially, there’s a clear sky at night, anything which is warm radiates heat. You’re radiating heat all the time, that’s the thing which the heat cameras you sometimes see on these films on the TV are seeing when people glow really brightly. That’s because they’re warmer. They’re radiating more infrared heat. So basically, the warmer something is, the more heat it loses. If you’re inside the house, you’re losing heat all the time, but so are the walls. You’re heated up by the heat coming off the walls and it’s heated by you, so you don’t feel that cold, because actually quite a lot of energy is beamed into you from the walls of the house.

But if you go outside on a cold clear night, you’re basically just seeing the sky and the temperature of deep space is about 2.9 degrees above absolute zero – about minus 270 degrees centigrade. That’s really, really cold. So there’s no heat coming down onto you and so you’re just radiating heat and you lose heat very quickly. The same thing happens to the ground. The ground loses heat very quickly. It cools down and then once it gets below the frost point of the air, water starts condensing out of the air onto it and starts forming frost. Eventually all the water is condensed out of the air and it becomes very dry. There’s nothing more left to condense out.

Whereas under a carport, the top of the roof will cool down quite a lot, probably down to slightly below zero, but that’s still a lot, lot warmer than the sky. So the roof is still radiating some heat down onto the ground, inside the carport, so that keeps it slightly warmer than everything else. Because of this, all of the moisture tends to condense everywhere else rather than inside the carport. So, even if, by the end of the night, it did get down to below zero, all the water vapour is already condensed everywhere else. So, there’s no frost inside the carport.”

I don’t know about you, but this writer thinks that is the coolest thing since sliced bread! If you don’t have a carport, kinda makes you want one, doesn’t it! Well have no fear, USA Eagle Carports is here to help! Call us today to talk about the best carport for you! Our A+ rating with the Better business bureau and warranty speaks for itself. Also, WE MATCH ANY COMPETENT BID! Waiting will only allow your windshield to frost up again! Call today!